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Moving to the Country

We Moved

While I can’t say that we have not planned for this, it still happened in a very quick and sudden way: all good, mind you- but still very quick.

A Dream

We have dreamed of owning property all of our married life, well, at least 20 of the 36 years.  I mean, who really has 4 chickens in a zero lot line yard unless they are dreaming of more?

So we had been updating our house slowing over the last five years.  We just always found one more thing that needed to be done.


Then, there was the STUFF!  20 years of collecting stuff.  I am talking more than a Dr Pepper collection or a vintage cane collection (guilty of both plus many more).   I am talking “let’s pick that up, we might need that on the property someday” collection.  So we had stacks of wood, cinderblocks, tons of nails from garage sales, etc, etc, etc!  It was just so overwhelming.  I mean seriously, who does this?  Collect so much stuff for a future dream, that you have so much stuff that the thought of moving it is almost paralyzing?  how stupid, right?  Welcome to my life!

Again, we lived in a zero lot line 1800 sq ft home on a hill.  The garage had been converted into a bedroom so my dad could live with us.  We ran a business from home, so we had rented storerooms for work and tools.  I am not even going to admit to how many and how much money we were wasting!

Kick in the Pants

So my wife finally reached a point last April 20th.  She said we are putting the house on the market by August 20th or we are just going to admit that we will never move and we will start getting rid of all the stuff.

She is really smart, it was the kick in the pants that we needed.  We have always worked best with a deadline.  We finished all the house projects, called a real estate agent and got the house on the market 3 days before her deadline.


Then we sold the house in 3 days.  OH, $#!!

We had not even started looking for our dream home.  Now we had exactly one month to find the dream and move the STUFF!  EVERYTHING!

So we drew a 2-hour circle around the DFW area (we still needed to be close to work) on Zillow and set out our priorities on what we really wanted.  While we thought we would be willing to go any direction, when push came to shove, we only “found” houses to look at in East Texas.  We found a total of 5 properties to look at.  We spent one week, found the dream, made an offer and here we are…


20 acres, pond, workshop, barn, nice house with a view of the pond, and the bonus was a barndomium so our son could come to live out here with us and run his youtube business as well.

Our first major projects will be a garden and chicken coop… stay tuned.

1 thought on “Moving to the Country”

  1. Pingback: 2 Year Anniversary: Tips for Moving to the Country -

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